Woke up at 1:30pm today, like a boss. It's possible I stayed up until, like 3am reading yet more TSN fic, and not even new fic, but a re-reading of
Buyer's Remorse which may be my favourite fic so far.
Or maybe it's this WIP,
Set Yourself On Fire, which is a SPN/TSN crossover and two great tastes that taste great together. I'm waiting for someone
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(You HAVE seen TSN, right? You should, if not. Andrew looks good in suits, if nothing else appeals.)
I don't have primers or picspams of my own (yet), but I have some links (look especially at that second one, it's the most comprehensive). There are many gif ans pictures and interviews where Andrew proclaims his love (he can't seem to help it) and Jesse bites his lip at him. ♥
They lived together during the east-coast filming for TSN and drove each other places (on Andrew's Vespa, even) and went on freaking dates to basketball games, and, like THE MALL because they were bored and also actually thirteen years old or something. THEY ARE MAGICAL.
Then, if you wish to investigate further, start by reading Carry It In My Heart which is basically the Classic of the fandom so far (followed by, IMO, this.)
*resists urge just to linkspam you even more*
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