SPN 6x19

Apr 30, 2011 19:46

No schedule bump can defeat me!

Eve is creeeeeeeepy. Props to the actress for having a really unsettling expression. Stoned evil is in the uncanny valley, I guess.

Okay, okay okay. All this talk about Castiel in Dean's ass is just. I don't even know. (Dean tops, I guess. Hee.)

Friendly monsters? You could ask Lenore!

Yay, it is Lenore! Called it. She looks wigged out. And in need of a bath.

Poor Lenore... Cas is going to take her up on that "kill me" request while the boys demure, I know it. =/

Yep. Another female character bites the dust. And oh, Cas. You couldn't have given a reason other than impatience? Maybe it was a mercy you did her, but you might have, you know, been less of an angel about it.

... Why would they just BAMF into the hot zone in a public place with no weapons drawn? Seems ill-advised.

Smitey McSmiterson. HEE.

Haha, Bobby is thwarted by touch screens. Aaaaaand Cas sits across staring like a creeper. Heh.

"Yeah, I'm still here." *shifty* HEE. Angel bamf failure. So embarrassing.

"So what, Mom's making you limp?" "Figuratively, yes." HAHAHA. Only figuratively, Dean. You're still on for later. ;)


Oh, this ep. Replete with awkward!Cas. Yaaaaaaaay!

Don't ask Cas rhetorical questions. That way lies Crankiness.

Bobby = smooth FBI impersonator. So much more bullshit skill than the boys.

Dean! You're so unsympathetic to Cas' being-human problems! It's not his fault his "people skills" get "rusty." (It's so weird to woobify an angel that persists in ruthlessly killing things for mere expedience... but Dean's so meeeeeen to him! *pets*)

WTF, multiplying Eds. Contagious shape-shifting? That kills the victim? ... So Dead!Ed in the shed (hee) was actually the doctor, y/n? Real Ed is off evilling somewhere.

Sheriff not on the ball re: bar slaughter... also evil? Is secretly Ed now?

"Well, congrats. You discovered it, you get to name it." LOL, Bobby. ILU.

"Jefferson Starships." Dean, how did anyone ever mistake you for cool, you enormous dork?

Oh, of course now the cops show up. Non-coincidence. And how is poor Cas gonna deal with jail? Head tilting, I expect.

Aha, no jail time, just monsters who didn't notice Dean was tailing them.

See Cas, you can still be a bad mofo, you're just better with knives! With monster blood all on you -- is he gonna get infected while he's powered-down now? And what if he leaves and doesn't heal from it? Starship-angel hybrid = bad news.

Bad Cop Bobby = win! Creepy Cop Cas = even better!

... Those kids are totally both monsters and bait for stupid Winchesters, aren't they?

Well, at least they're gonna test them before they let them free. It's still gonna turn out bad, though. (If not, Joe and Evan will become the next edition of codependent brothers on the hunt, y/n?) They're very calm in the face of crazy.

Aw, the sad music when Dean tells Cas he's leaving to do something else! SOMEONE HUG THAT ANGEL. His boyfriend doesn't support him. ;_;

D'awww, schmoopy wee!brothers parallels for the awwww.

Haha, bitchy!Cas. It's just because he doesn't know how to deal with his feeeeeeeeelings for another emotionally constipated asshole. ♥

... Can Season 7 be the Bobby n' Cas show? ILThem.

How did they explain what happened to the boys' uncle? And what's the odds on the uncle being evil now?

Sam's little "crap, crap, crap!" litany = hee.


Crowley's alive. Crowley's alive? ... Wait. So it's not purgatory, it's about souls. Powerful sparkly souls.

... Is Cas in on this? Cas is in on this, isn't he? Cas is too canny to let Crowley fake death on HIM. He helped. He's allied with Hell to defeat Raphael and this is what had Rachael all turncoaty. Oh, man.

Man, I KNEW those kids were evil! Kid. Aw, poor Joe.

"Or I turn you, and you do what I want anyway." She's got you there, Dean.

Well, that's new. Dean tells a monster to bite him, monster does and it ends badly... for the monster? OH DEAN YOU SO SMRT. :D

Monster kids gonna kill you a lot for that, though. Though I guess Cas will recharge while Eve is down and save the day.



Jeez, Dean thank the angel who just saved your ass again for the hundredth time. You spent all his downtime mocking him and then fail to give a crap even when his powers help you... you didn't think Rachael had a point?

"Unbelievable." Cas, ILU.

Man, I thought for a sec there Cas was going to tell Dean to fuck off rather than take them after the kids. Would have deserved it.

Huh. Lucky the demons are on the ball, then. (If Cas is in on Crowley's non-death, think he passed the intel?)

"I'm an angel." You bet you are, Cas.

"It's not like Cas to make mistakes like that. Unless he meant to." SEE. I AM SO SMART.

Aw, Dean. For all your disrespect, you still don't want to believe Cas is sketchy. ♥

AWESOME. So is Crowley working for Cas or the other way around? Help in getting souls at the expense of helping Crowley get Purgatory? Hmmm. (P.S. Crowley, if you think you've got Cas on a leash... I'd be very careful.)

i am not making an spn tag dammit, squee, tv

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