It's that time again

Apr 15, 2011 21:13

I am watching this while full of cookies and cider. Wheeeeee.

Ellen and Jo! ♥! Does this mean they are in this ep? Maybe, yes? Please?

Ewwwwwww, garage guillotine.

Oh Sam, never throw paper. Dean always plays scissors, that doesn't change.

Bobby, Winchesters are showing concern! Out loud! You have to realize that's a sign.

Mustang? What? It has go-faster stripes. I don't approve.

ELLEN. HI. Alternative universe is alternate. Probably won't last. :(

Bobby/Ellen is pseudo-cannon! Awwwwwwwe.

Accidental accidents? Not with the Winchesters around.

Awkward Dean is awkward. How do the Winchesters find out ANYTHING? Just by throwing people off guard?

Travel office. Cuba. Detroit, America's top city. Riiiiiiiiiiight. Alternate universe is v. alternate. The show likes these lately. Too much time hanging around their own fandom, haha.

The Titanic, o rly?

LOL, Balthazar.

"She's a destitute lounge singer somewhere in Quebec. Let's keep it that way." LOL.

THE OTHER ANGEL. THE ONE WHO'S IN LOVE WITH YOU. Show, your fanservice. It's so great. (Where IS Cas? Come on, now.)

Fates, not Death? Needs MOAR Julian Richings.

Goddamn it, show, why you always have to make it shitty for Bobby? ;_; Kills his wife twice, kills Rufus, has to deal with the idjits and their drama... and now Ellen. :(

Dean's "Oh, shiiiii--!"-face, never not funny.

Ahhh! YAY, CAS! Nice save.

Fate hates the Winchesters. Thanks, Angel of Exposition and NO SHIT Moments.

Ellen is awesome. I missed her. Stupid show, why did you kill her off? :(

Most dangerous town ever.

What difference would 50k souls make out of 6 billion anyway? Previously unclaimed, or something? Maybe Cas didn't mind that Ellen and Jo were alive, either.


Fanon time: I'll bet Cas is feeling guilty for a lot of offscreen stuff, too. Between killing angels, hurting that kid, cleaning up the Alphas, leaving Dean and Sam out of the loop... I think he's starting to be afraid they (Dean) wikll think less of him if he tells the truth about what he's chosen to do for the war. Cas' relationship with justification is a bit fraught.

Aw, Bobby.

This ep made me kinda sad. :(

i am not making an spn tag dammit, tv, no value

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