Homework was a lost cause tonight

Feb 04, 2011 21:19


HI CAS. HI SAM. HI DEAN. I missed you all.

T1000 lol.


Reset Sam, oic.

DEAN WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED ABOUT KEEPING SECRETS. YOU DUMBASS. Also, even without that, don't you two have million OTHER things to discuss? I recall some ~tension before Sam's Buffy routine.

Cas is gonna be sooooooooo cranky if Dean tries to get him to keep quiet. Er. Crankier.

Dean is all "yaaaay, I have good cop back!" Now he doesn't have to pretend he likes talking to people.

Good ol' Dean, deep down still kind of a creep, after all this time.

... The channel is not channeling after that commercial. WHAT HAPPEN. WHERE IS SHOW.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaan. It was such a good Friday night. Why do you do this to me, CHCH?

Asking the girl if she's a virgin: ew, okay now that's bad-creepy, Dean. Stop making that face.

Uh oh, Sam is having some deja vu. Maybe you should LIE TO HIM, DEAN.

And random cut to commercials that probably cut some ep off. Godammitsomuch, CHCH.

... Drug commercials where the don't tell you what the crap the drug is for are weird.

"You need a blade." *Dean looks down*. This is all very Freudian.

LOL at epic sword-from-stone music. (This show is so WEIRD sometimes.) Don't give yourself a hernia, Dean.

Maybe you should ask Cas, Sam.

Ha, called it.

AHAHA. "It'd be awkward." Awww, Cas, you tried. SOMEONE HUG THAT ANGEL. HE CLEARLY WANTS A HUG.

Aw, emo-Sam. I missed you a lot, after all the ragey-ness and soullessness.

I KNEW CAS WOULD TELL HIM. Excellent work Dean 'n' Bobby.

Dean + explosives = probably bad idea. Yep.

ARGH. Sam, you better talk to Dean about it AFTER the dragon-slaying.

Belated CHCH SPN promo, did you just spoil the fact that the dragon-men are demons? Bad form.

So, I guess, it's a demon that wants "pure" human souls for... something, y/n?

What the hell, suddenly we are at Dean sorting gold at Bobby's. Did I miss something, after they fight in the sewer, y or n? Stupid station. Oh well, fast-forward to manpain it is!

Door to Purgatory. Sounds bad. Sounds also like the end of S1.

Ah, more evil female things. Alpha of Alphas, y/n?

MEH. More awkward angel hugs, less plot rehash.

Tomorrow, Toronto! Yayayay!

omgyay, my life is so exciting, i am not making an spn tag dammit, \o/, fangirl fun

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