Snooooooooow Day!

Feb 02, 2011 14:46

So far, the first Snow Day of the season is a great success. I slept in til noon, there is sticky toffee pudding baking in the oven, and I am not in the lab. Sweet.

The snow here isn't quite Apocalyptic, but that's because it's Canada and it takes more snow than this to blow minds, and we're pretty stoic about getting out and pushing cars through turns (notwithstanding this hilaritizing video). Transit isn't shut down, anyway, and most stuff is open except for schools etc. I reckon about a foot of snow fell last night, but got blown around by the epic wind. It's still going! My street has yet to be plowed -- I guess with schools etc. closed the city can take its sweet time.

The view out my living room window, as of five minutes ago.


hilare, talking about the weather again, \o/, look at this!

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