This appears to be some sort of post

Nov 16, 2010 18:10

- Grad school has officially given me white hairs. (And an ironic appreciation for the concept of correlation vs. causation.)

- Big experiment day last Friday did not yield the desperately needed data. Woe. On the other hand, I didn't have to get up at 5:30am of Saturday.

- I have a giant technicolour bruise on my knee from when I bashed it on a bus seat Friday night. It's pretty badass.

- I disapprove of November. Too much darkness and cold rain. It wouldn't be so bad if it would snow as is decent.

- The Catholic Church is stepping up exorcism training for clergy. Is there something going on the rest of us ought to know about?

- When in the hell am I going to get time/money to do any Christmas shopping? I ask you.

- I am watching so many questionable A&E shows I can't even. It's like televisual crack.

- APPARENTLY Callum is going to be on The Hour on Friday. Callum! And My Boyfriend George! While it is true that my active fangirling of CKR is pretty much over, I am still going to watch the hell out of that interview. Because Callum! And George! :D :D :D

my life is so exciting, myboyfriendgeorge, ckr, the hour, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, i want another degree for some reason, segues are for the weak, random, talking about the weather again, tv

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