This post brought to you by my lab hangover and that picture of Misha Collins in a priest's collar

Nov 25, 2010 20:57

You guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuys, I am so freaking tired of benchwork. I have been working 8, 9, 12 hour hour days for more than two weeks now with no weekends off and it's not cool okay. Naturally things never work right, so most of that time is spent repeating the shit I did the day before because the fucking RNA was loading unevenly and the gel looked like crap and the transfer for the Northern blot didn't even WORK and argh. Also the bossman wants a new growth curve, and I kind of promised him a 15-hour stretch. Science, you guys, seriously.

(It's not as bad as it all sounds. I'm actually fairly non-depressed with it, which I owe to the 250% increase in energy now versus pre-Alien Baby removal. But I cannot help but be aware of the fact that I have to give a seminar to the whole facking department in a couple weeks and ummmmmm the data = not so impressive and oh god I hate giving talks argh. Also it's not fair because I am TECHNICALLY three months behind all the other M.Sc. students having to give a talk. Ahem.)

But, you know, I think things are going much better than they were? \m?


In my off hours, I sleep, eat and read just unwholesome amounts of SPN fic. So, that's going well. I made mergatrude's zucchini-and-almond quiche the other day and it was amazeballs. I had to make two because I had so much freaking zucchini and didn't buy the deep-dish pie shells. Ah, well. Nom.

Also: WHAT IS THIS WEATHER, YOU GUYS. First the west coast gets snow they have no idea how to deal with, and then England gets a dusting, and here in the Lake Erie snowbelt... nada. Rain, rain, and not a single subzero day yet. What in the hell.

Hey Rosetta! has a new album coming out in February. I AM EXCITE.

It's American Thanksgiving, which means Christmas is soon, which means aaaaaaaaaaah I'm going to be in the mall with the crazies on the week before, I tell you what.

Plz to send me turkey dinner, y/y?

Geez. Sorry I am so boring, flist. I swear amusing things occur to me during the day that I intend to post about and then they just... un-occur.

unforgivable whining, run-on sentence theatre, my life is so exciting, i like tags, tired of waking up tired, rambly, argh, idek, drama! betrayal! lack of planning!, no value, my kingdom for an attention span, i want another degree for some reason, i sort of fail at adulthood sometimes?, segues are for the weak, talking about the weather again

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