Moar SPN aka the only thing I post about this month

Oct 29, 2010 21:09

Ohai! I just got back from a pub dinner with a long-lost homie that I worked with a Former Uni. Hooray! Good times and good burgers were had.

Um. I have nothing else of interest. I helped carve a pumpkin today? :D?

And now... Manpain Theatre!

I really hope they figure Sam out. Or Not!Sam, as the case may be.

"Just... don't shoot him yet." LOL, Bobby, you know Dean well.

Aah, scaryface Sam. Why are you such a creeper?


Missing rillyold horn... Gabriel's, y/n?

Hah, I was right. Or not. Whatevs.

YAY CAS. Awwww, Cas, Dean just wanted someone to taaaaaaalk to. ♥

Guys, seriously, just hug it out already.

There's old sleazy!Dean! I kind of missed him, NGL.


Poor Lisa. She's the only sane character in the show. It's sad, but she's well rid of Dean's crazycakes.

Yick, cat skull.

Liar!Sam is still lying. How is he immune to the curse thing? What the hell. >:( Why is it the convenient trope of the week never works in a way to HELP with the manpain? Oh, show.

Man, why to the gods in this show always wanna eat people?

That is one well-heeled community newslady.

This ep has lots of kitties. Yay, kitties!

MAN. Freaking Sam-mystery. What is this fuckery? Okay, so not human but... is he still him just.. different? Demon-y? Angel-y? Whaaaaaaaaaat? FIX HIM.

Ow. Feel that, Sam? D:

i am not making an spn tag dammit, no value

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