Quick things, no nutritional content

Jul 06, 2010 22:49

1. It is hotter than the hinges of hell. I haaaaaaaaaaaate it. Seriously -- Least. Favourite. Weather. Ever. Bring back the -24C deep freezes.

2. I went to the Toronto Pride Parade on Sunday! With nos4a2no9 and Nos' friend Bill and scarfe. Good times were had, though aforementioned disgusting heatwave make it a leeeeeeeeetle uncomfortable for a delicate petal such as me. Fortunately, I avoided sunburn by employing Nos' umbrella.

3. Woe! It was my last hurrah with my favourite Nos, who left my place at the ass-crack of dawn the next morning to start her epic trek to her new job in the U.S. Without a map. I feared for her.

4. But! I got Nos back! Because the U.S. border people turned her away due to HS/NAFTA shenanigans. So today she spent all day making phone calls, and I invited her to the mall because if she was still here I was damn well hanging out with her before she LEAVES FOREVER. (To AMERICA. I mean, who goes there? Geez.)

5. I bought me an air conditioner to deal with that fact that at any given time my apartment is 100F and humid like a hot towel. So not conducive to sleeping or, you know, life of Meres. Nos graciously cleared some luggage out of her car and helped me get it at the store, lug it up three storeys and install it in my window. It is the single greatest purchase I have ever made.

6. Even if it is a mite noisy. And my stupid credit card got rejected at the till because... no one knows why. Scotiabank is sending me a new one, though, so that's okay, except for all the account updatin' I'll have to remember. *note to self: fix LJ and Amazon payment infos*

7. Alien baby still undiagnosed. Had a CT scan last Friday. Still no call re: results. If I don't hear tomorrow I will start bugging people. No idea how long it takes for a radiologist to do these things. *hands*

8. Arby's Beef n' Cheddar sandwiches are amazing, no matter what Nos tells you.

my life is so exciting, i like tags, rambly, \o/, fuck my life, nos is awesome, consumerism, nos and i are total party girls, segues are for the weak, talking about the weather again, toronto

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