More Things. Mostly Fail + Some Awesomes.

Sep 11, 2009 09:24

1. Bell has still failed to fix the fact that I cannot make long distance calls on my land line. Fail!

2. The bank sent me a new debit card... a week after I got one at a branch. The instructions confuse me as to whether they will cancel the first new one in favour of this second new one (which I don't want them to! The first one gets me movies!) Bank fail.

3. I have to go get my photo taken for yet more photo ID here at Giant Institute of Science. And I'm wearing my boo-urns shirt and no make-up. Fail.

4. I also forgot my cell phone at home today.

5. Aaaaand the laundry situation is dire, but it's now Friday and I have to fight 20 other apartment units worth of people for one set of machines. Wish me luck.

6. Tomorrow my mom is coming and we are going antiquing. Yay! (What. This is how we roll. Except I don't roll with her on the garage sailing because that involves getting up at the asscrack of dawn.)

7. Last night, I had a
nos again! We had Indian buffet and watched SPN. Win at life.

8. Speaking of which:

Yay, show! That was a pretty decent premiere, guys, if not precisely laden with suspense. There were some LOLs (Chuck, Becky, Dean bean a phallic instrument of death, the secret to being a powerful angelic vessel equalling bucketloads of manly angst) and some OMG (Don't do it, Nick, nooo! Bobby!) and then there was Meg, which DNW but we'll see how that goes. I totally called Cas showing up to save the boys from their haplessness.

Dudes, what is with the serious lack of hap? Sam and Dean are just Not Effective sometimes. *pets them* Also there was a serious lack of hugging in this ep. Just hug it out, guys!

Then the end. Poor Sammy got two emotional kicks in the pills and one real kick this ep, and only one of those turned out to be not real. So, bruised 'nads and a heaping helping of Issues(tm) from Dean. Not a good day.

I'm with Nos: can we get a LITTLE happy this season? Maybe? *crickets*

Anyway, yay!

9. The end. Going to get photo'd.

my life is so exciting, i am not making an spn tag dammit, flailing, i like tags, my mom is a dork, wtf, nos and i are total party girls, segues are for the weak

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