Jun 25, 2009 12:25

So, check it out: it's
hurry_sundown's birthday! She is awesome. And she asked for bday hugs so I give her many *hugs!* and *smishes!* that travel over the intertubes. ♥

I hope your birthday weather is better than mine, because right now I have a thunderstorm and it is 30 degrees out and muggy as HELL. You have to, like, chew the air to breathe it wtf. Summer in southern Ontario, folks. It's like being smacked in the face with a hot, damp towel. *runs dehumidifier*

I'm seeing a lot of SRS BSNS on the flist lately. I have nooo interest in reading the original arguments. I took metafandom off my flist for two very good reasons ( a) because it was an excellent time-waster with all that tl;dr and b) it angried up the blood waaaaay too often.) Anyway, some people are Wrong On The Internet. Breaking news.

My boss is in Portugal and I am taking today and tomorrow OFF. Hells yeah!

I'm going to eat cottage cheese with berries now, see ya.

my life is so exciting, birthdays, talking about the weather again, \o/, wtf, some people, no value

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