Jun 23, 2009 14:27

Apparently the LCBO (pronounced Lick-boe, if you like, or "booze boutique") is fixing to have a strike.

GUYS. That's the government liquor chain, the only one there is. THE HORROR. And of course now is when I think to myself, man, it'd be nice to have some cider in the fridge.

Whole province is going to be VERY CRANKY. Even worse in Toronto, where the garbage men are on strike, too.

In other news, I can't transfer my cable services to my new address in August because for some dumbassed reason Rogers doesn't operate in that town. Stupid Rogers. Now I have to pay installation fees and shit AGAIN.

Most content-free post ever, yo.

unforgivable whining, do not want, argh, random, d'oh, no value

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