dS picspam - 3x03 - "I Coulda Been A Defendant"

Apr 04, 2009 22:58

I am still waiting for the internet to cough up pictures of Callum at the Genies. (Black suit = om nom nom). But until then...

Behold! I bring you the promised Due South picspammy goodness.

Unsurprisingly, here you will find Ray and Fraser being pretty, among other things..

Helpful Mountie is obsessively helpful.

Except he's kind of not.

Fraser, walking with your hand held out like that is only going to make people think of Smokey the Bear.

Ray is dubious about the merits of being a general helpful busybody.


Oh, Ray, that will never work.

This makes me think of the phrase "run with confidence!" Don't ask.

Of course, Ray must mock. I would, too.


How are they so pretty even making their dorky "whaaaa?" faces?

Newslady is enthralled. I do not blame her! :P (That's not what's really going on, I know, but that's not what picspams are for!)

Poor Ray. So put-upon.


You cannot resist Fraser's earnest!face.

Hi, Ray, you are pretty.

And kind of glaring, there. Do not mess with a cop wearing that expression!

Fraser plays Mass Spectrometer.

Much to Ray's disgust. (Which I get. Ew!)

Aaaaaand again. =/

It are a clue!


Man, I wish I saw this out of my door, sometime. All I get a stalkery StatsCan ladies.

Ray will now make intimate with this door. (Callum was like: "Hmm, wonder if I can have chemistry with the set structure, too." And lo, he did.)

The most ridiculous thing this side of the fire-extinguisher jetpack. WTF, show.

Poor Bruce. He is not having the best of days.

... Callum's legs are long. *cough*

Way to stand in the most awkward position possible, there, Ray.

Ray/Gun = OTP. (And bracelet! I know several fangirls with that bracelet! *beams*)

Ray forgetting the Miranda = *heart* Silly.

... Hee.

Incredulous Ray is incredulous! And kind of fluffy.

LOL, doofy smirk. <3

Someone needs to make this into an O RLY? icon or something.

Every time he does that thing with the eyebrows I think of Newbie. <3

Just kinda wanna... sidle up behind him, there. Yep.

Fraser's thinking it. You know it.

"Fraser, you are cramping my style. Also, one-way glass fail. Also I will now stare sexily into where I think you are standing."


On the inside, he is a poet. ♥

Ray's scrunchy-face-smirk = love.

Who doesn't like dodecahedrons?

See, all that stuff about Fraser not being able to relax... only when he's feeling stiff. He can clearly lean elbows all over things if he wants! ... just not quite with Ray's élan. *g*

The end! Until next spam.

In other news, the WYSIWYG editor on Semagic? Only the greatest thing for captioning picspam ever. Why did no one tell me sooner?! All that faffing around with the preview function and checking file names...

ETA: Here is the rest of the picspam!

photobucket can't handle me, ckr, paul @#$%! gross, squee, picspam, due south

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