Genie Awards

Apr 04, 2009 21:00

Mountie count so far: 3

LOL Dave Foley.

Jokes about how depressing Canadian films are: 1 so far, ongoing.

"Did you know that the death toll in Canadian films this year was higher than the death toll for the country?"... "The Swedes are starting to worry about us."

Lots of Quebecois films. I do not know them! :O

HI CALLUM. You are presenting at the Genies! Hotly! And kind of awkwardly, aw. *heart* (Also HOT.)

Aw, he wasn't there long. But there are going to be pictures from tonight, yis.

Aww, adorable awkward young Canadian actors presenting animated shorts. *pets them* (Yes, they are probably older than me shhhh.)

The seating in there looks super uncomfortable, esp for the ladies in short dresses. There are no suitable auditoriums in Ottawa?

LOL poking fun at Gordon Pinsent. At which he giggles. <3

Oooh, look Callum again! (Only in a Normal clip, but hey.)

HE WON HE WON. \c/ (He was terribly good in that movie, even if the film itself was a bit uneven.)

Also HI you are hot in your suit, Callum. "See, I'm not prepared." HEART. He's such a low-talker. ♥

Dave re: Callum: "Ahhhh, such an embarrassing display of emotion." HEE.

Ohai, Joe Dinicol. Presenting Passchendaele, yays! (Paul! Eee!)

Ce Qu'il Faut Pour Vivre looks like a good movie. :O

Google Alerts just totally spoiled me for the fact that Passchendaele won best picture. YAYAY, Paul! (I hope he was there to get the award. I shall see, I guess.)

LOL, Kevin Newman. Global News sucks. Sorry, guy.

Oooh, Up The Yangtze won best doc. I have wanted to see that.

Cracks about how Stephen Harper is creepy: comedy gold.

My boyfriend George! Talking about how Passchendaele is a winnar! Yay.

WWII veterans for the EPIC win.

Okay, so Niv Fichman is there. Paul must be lurking somewhere... or wait, not, apparently he is working in L.A. right now. WTF, Paul, your film is winning things you turkey.

Just plugged in a Google image search to see if any pics of Callum at the Genies are popping up. None yet, but I DID discover a fun fact: the most popular search string after his name? "callum+keith+rennie+married" Yeah that's right. First you look for pictures, THEN you look to find out if the guy's single. HEE.

Wendy Crewson, ohai! Wanting everyone to saaaaaaaave the CBC. Word! And wearing a feathered necklace. Hm!

Surprise!Susan Sarandon! (Nominated for Best Actress, but Ellen Burstyn won for The Stone Angel.) (I did not like that book at ALL in high school. MEH.)

Natar Ungalaaq FTW for Best Actor! Nos, I think we need to see Ce Qu'il Faut Pour Vivre.

LOL group therapy to get people over their fear of Canadian films.

Sarah Polley! \o/ ... is wearing jewellery that does not quite go with her dress. *distracted by sparklies*

Another for Ce Qu'il Faut Pour Vivre! Best Direction.

Gordon Pinsent is presenting the Best Film award. Yay! Too bad Paul is not there. How dare he be all busy and stuff. :P LOL, Gordon, ilu. He's so... Gordon Pinsent.


The end!

normal, ckr, film, paul @#$%! gross, genies, \o/, passchendaele

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