I'm taking another run at it. Save me!

Jan 02, 2009 23:50

So, reading Twilight again. For the lulz, I assure you. I got to 36 pages! It's slow going. I mean, wtf? There are people out there who honestly think this is excellent writing? Like, I could give you guilty entertainment and forgive you bad taste, but... it's not good. It isn't.

I mean, calling Edward a "stupid, shiny Volvo owner" is the most spark Bella's shown yet. (Other than being a sullen bizzotch. Sooooo self-sacrificing, truly. Seriously, why is everyone so nice to her and wanting to go to dances and stuff? She's dull as dishwater.)

Dear SMeyers, making your Mary Sue protagonist a klutz is not shorthand for an actual personality, okay? Okay.

Yeah, it's really bad, guys. Don't go there.

do not want, glutton for punishment, wtf, books, no value

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