Nov 13, 2011 01:35
Looks like this whole Trying to Move to New York thing is at an end, at least for now, and I've kind of known it for a while. Today's trip just cemented it. I don't have the spoons or energy or money to keep going back and forth again and again, I've been trying for over four months at this point, and I'm no further than where I started. Eventually you have to move on with your life, I guess.
Once I can afford to live there on a permanent basis, in a place totally of my own, or maybe even with someone I know personally as a roommate, I will. But right now there's just no way I can. (At least, I don't think there is.) It makes me very sad, but nobody can say I haven't tried my hardest.
(Well, I can. But don't listen to me.)
I need a new plan, is the thing, and soon. And I'm not sure what that is yet. I desperately want leaving Philadelphia to be a part of it, but I just don't know.
I'm open to suggestions and/or offers of a place to live.