this is my 3rd post today?
Oh well.
Anyway, I'm stuck! Not like
olmue 's stuck-outside-in-the-cold-if-she-doesn't-get-her-doorknob-fixed. My stuck is the WIP stuck. I have several scenes I have to write from scratch and between convincing myself that my tummy isn't aching and I'm not getting that stomach bug Little M has and trying to convince myself that I can't give up now, well, I'm stuck.
Truly. I don't want to write anymore on this book. I just want to set it aside and say, I'm done. Not done as in complete, but done as in I quit. And there's been so much written lately about these heavy types of books. Nothing bad, mind you. What I've read should encourage me to continue.
But I kinda just feel like I'm stupid for taking this on because it's depressing to me. Granted, at some point in this whole write-this-really-dark-book process, I've realized this story is being pulled from a very dark place inside me. But, dang it! I'm tired of visiting there.
I'm tired of digging deeper and I'm tired of suffocating in this world.
Maybe I should let these scenes sit and work on the ending some tomorrow. At least I know that part will send across the promise of hope.