Lexie Fest

May 19, 2012 10:51

Lexie Fest is open for both prompts and posting now and will remain open until at least June 19th. That's right, a whole month of Lexie Grey goodness!

Warning: Finale Spoilers are allowed so, if you haven't watched yet and wish to remain unspoiled, stop right here.

Pimp it
Copy and paste the code in the box below to pimp Lexie Fest wherever you wish!
http://meredith-lexie.livejournal.com/15999.html">http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt194/meredithlexie/lexiefest_small.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket">

http://meredith-lexie.livejournal.com/15999.html">Come join us in celebration of Lexie Grey! All Lexie-centric prompts and fan works are welcome. Warning: Spoilers for finale will be allowed in prompts and fills.

Prompting (open now!)
Leave prompts in the comments to this entry. Be as vague or specific as you like. Pairings, gen, whatever is welcome. The only rule is that prompts must be Lexie-centric. You can leave as many prompts as you like but please only leave one per comment.

Filling (open now!)
Fills are welcome in the form of fic, vids, fanmixes, meta, picspams, fan art, icons, anything you can dream up. If it involves Lexie, we want it! Please feel free to create in response to a prompt or to share your work in the comments even if it doesn't fill a specific prompt. AGAIN, WE WANT ALL THE LEXIE.

Post your Lexie-centric works in the comments of this entry. If you're filling a prompt, please post your work or a link to your work in response to the comment containing that prompt so that person knows there prompt has been filled and can come praise your freshness. If you're not writing to a prompt, please just post your work or a link to your work as a new comment.

Multiple responses to the same prompt are totally acceptable! And, if your work features both Lexie and Meredith, please feel free to post it in it's own entry here at meredith_lexie in addition to sharing it in this post.

This fest was created as a way of dealing with Lexie's death. All prompts and fills are absolutely welcome including those that focus on her death. I do ask that, if you're posting a work that involves Lexie's death, you add a warning of some sort so that those who want to remain in denial and/or avoid that subject can do so.

Master List
I'll keep a master list of works going here as people post so that works will be easy to find.

Searching for a Seattle Sky (Mark/Lexie, Meredith/Derek)

Thank You!
To everyone who participates, I say, "Y'all are..."

(gifs by theodoraltman @ tumblr)

Go on! Prompt, create, celebrate Lexie!

other: events

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