May 18, 2012 14:53

Hello esteemed friends and colleagues,

I would like to open with this re-post of my Meredith/Lexie vid "Early Winter" that I made back in the middle of season 4. Let's remember the glory days:

image Click to view

I will admit that I haven't even watched the finale yet (I'm a bad fan), but I did get spoiled on Twitter and therefore feel the immediate need to come to LJ and cry about the loss of one of my most favorite characters, not to mention the tragic end to one of the best 'ships EVER, with you all.

I guess this is how George and George/Izzie fans felt? I don't understand why Shonda would do this to my adorable, sweet, beloved Lexie Grey. If Chyler wanted to leave there are other ways out... ways that don't destroy the headcanon for our 'ship forever. While there have hardly been any good Mer/Lex scenes in the past couple of years (there's yet another bone to pick with Shonda), I kept holding on to the POTENTIAL. That's all gone now, so I feel like there's hardly any reason to keep watching the show.

The saddest thing for me is in regards to this small but eternally lovely community, because I love Meredith/Lexie and I love you all and your work SO MUCH it's ridiculous and it breaks my heart that the show will no longer provide us with inspiration.

Anyway, please feel free to use the comments of this post to cry, rage, vent, whatever you need to do. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU.

Also I'll probably come back once I've actually, you know, seen the episode...

art: video, other: discussion

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