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mammothluv October 25 2011, 17:50:54 UTC
I'm always happy to meet another Meredith/Lexie shipper! Welcome to our little corner of LJ ( ... )


perfectly_vague October 25 2011, 18:10:44 UTC
You... are... my HERO! :D

First of all, thank you for the welcome, I'm again so happy to see this community!

Second of all, I totally remember Derek's drama with Meredith "not fighting hard enough" and pulling away, etc. That makes things so much more clear and actually perfect for my story, so that's great! I also agree with your logic about Lexie's upbringing, so that's good enough for me!

Lastly, I'm glad you're looking forward to it! It's driving along fairly well so far, so I'm hoping to have it up in the near future1 :] Again, thank yuo SO much for everything!


beerbad October 28 2011, 21:10:41 UTC
WELCOME, we are always thrilled to find more Mer/Lex lovers! XD

As far as I remember, I'm gonna agree with mammothluv above. Very much looking forward to your story!


perfectly_vague October 28 2011, 21:13:54 UTC
Excellent! Thanks so much for the input! I finally bit the bullet over the past few days and manually went back to confirm a few things, and I think we're all in correct agreement!

I just posted chapter 1 if you'd like to read! Feedback is always much appreciated :]

(ps, is your username from the BtVS episode of the same title? If so, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. If not, don't mind me xD)


beerbad October 30 2011, 00:31:49 UTC
Yes, yes it is. :3


perfectly_vague October 29 2011, 10:44:40 UTC

...and if you've read, I encourage you to re-read. I didn't realize I accidentally posted the DRAFT as opposed to the final cut of chapter 1. Epic fail, lol. Fixed grammatical errors and flow issues. :p


perfectly_vague October 29 2011, 10:46:11 UTC

I said this below, but if you read chapter 1 yesterday, I encourage you to re-read as I mistakenly posted my draft as opposed to my final cut of chapter 1 xD I had since made some grammatical and flow corrections and have now updated and saved :]


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