"Fool for Love" Spaiku, Part 9: Appellation

Oct 08, 2008 13:19

Hi. *waves weakly* Well, so much for my recent vow to post every week. It seems that RL conspires against the composition of haiku at every turn. Now that BtVS, S2 (read Spikealicious) episodes are fast approaching at fantas_magoria, I have high hopes of both getting on a more regular writing schedule and doing more with S2 while the big FFL project continues to percolate. So. Here are a few more. Our boy gets a new name. BtVS, S5, PG. Previous parts here. Big thanks, as always, to Mister Beta for his input and to all of you who read the wee things.
Merciless hands wring
a croak of protest from his
mutinous throat: “-iiike!”

Why don’t we kill you?
Careful what you wish for, mate-
already have done.

William’s dead and gone,
hidebound servitude ended;
he’ll not share a name.

Avenged his disgrace
in merry parlor slaughter . . .
ate the lot of them.

Re-christened himself:
an instrument of torture
baptized in bloodshed.

fool for love, btvs:spike, spaiku, btvs: s5

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