Happy Super Sports Sunday!

Mar 23, 2008 17:11

For those who haven't noticed, I love sports. Seriously, seriously love sports. Today, I confess, has reaffirmed that love.

I'm pissed off. I'll say that first. I am decidedly unhappy with something/someone, and have been since last night. Luckily, I have a cool roommate who's willing to go to WaWa @ 1 am for ice cream, then  do hours of crosswords and classical music. Yup, I'm a geek. Anyway, not the point. I woke up this am, went to the gym, took a shower and a walk, and returned to iron and such.  I was reading the sports page when I realized the 'Nova/Siena game was on. Naturally, I turned it on to watch while I was ironing. Then, I was flipping during a commercial and found the Phils/Blue Jays game. Double whammy! Even better, both teams won! 'Nova gets to keep dancing, and the Phillies looked more like a real baseball team. Not totally there yet, but way better than where they have been. But there  is a point to this rambling, I promise.  The thing is, now that I've been watching sports for the past, oh, 5 hours or so, I'm much more zen. I know, hard to believe. But watching all of this has made me considerably calmer. About the other stuff, I mean. I totally jumped and went 'wahoo!' a lot when Georgetown lost, cause really, how can you not?  This is going to sound stupid (and quite possibly make no sense to anyone but me or McTwin), but sports center me. For whatever reason, they just have this ability to put me back together. I suspect some of that is a result of my tunnel vision; sports are the ultimate shiny thing.  This is fun. I'm not even a huge college basketball fan, but it's seriously like crack. Once I start watching, I just can't stop. Clearly.

Ok, that's it. A touch more than week until I'm in Wisconsin! Woot!


march madness, sports

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