Claire is NOT awake... therefore this is null & void (I think)

Mar 13, 2008 10:11

Fixation is a funny thing. Probably not a good one, in most instances, particuarly when it involves another person/people, but interesting nonetheless. I wonder what it is about humans that make us so susceptible to the phenomenon. I hate Creed. Just a random FYI that no one really needed.  Anyway...that fixation thing.. I'm not saying it's always a bad thing; sometimes it drives to go forward, reach a goal, whatever.  It's motivation, in a way.   I think though, that most of a time, it doesn't have such a positive connotation.  Like being fixated on your mom- probably not so good (for many reasons, hehe) There just seems to be the underlying tone of obsession/going-to-stalk-you tendencies. Yes? No? I suppose one could argue that I myself have fixations: sports, Sarah, dancing, etc.  I prefer to think of them as passions, but maybe I'm dillusional. Altogether possible. *shrugs* Not really sure why this popped up in my head. The heading is totally my disclaimer, by the way.  I've been wiped out this week for no real good reason, and hence I'm now semi-exploring fixation instead of working. Huh. No, McTwin, this is not because I'm fixating on anyone, I swear.  SWEAR.  So where's the boundary between passion and fixation/obsession? Are fixations and obsessions the same thing and do they share the same vibe? I'll admit to being totally obsessed with sports. That's easy enough. But like I said, fixation has a sinister feel to it, more like something someone would say in a soap: "I'm fixated on you, baby." Ok, that's pretty bad, but you catch my drift. Or maybe not, because clearly I am far, far adrift this morning. I should probably stop even trying right now, cause this is an incomprehensible, totally random and useless mess. Just wanted to share, though :)

This is for John:

randomness, crazy, star wars

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