Gotta vent

Jan 18, 2014 06:34

Since I really dont have anyone I can vent to, Im gonna do it here. Sorry. I am in a situation that I wish I wasnt. I used to live an hour and a half away from home. I had an apartment that was 2 blocks from work. My salary was $10 an hour. I moved back so I could be nearer to my 74 yr old dad. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I moved from living with my brother to living with Dad and my 64 yr old stepmother and 19 yr old nephew.

I work 5 days a week with the exception of this month where I am working 6 days a week. I might add, I am the only one who works in the house. The department I work in is always busy. Even on our slow days, we still stay busy. My co-worker and I have no help. We are told by upper management that we are going to have a heavier than normal workload and for our immidiate supervisors to get us help from the other departments and other people. We get told "Good luck with that". I want so badly to call corporate on this that it's not even funny. We have no official department manager, but I have been doing the work of one since June but haven't heard if I'm gonna get the job title or if they are going to go with someone else for the position.

Now, homelife isnt much better. Like I said above, I am the only one working. I leave the house before 6 am and dont get home until close to 5 pm. I catch the bus almost every day. I technically have a vehicle but it is broke at the local walmart. I am not mechanically inclined. I have 3 brothers, 2 of which are good to great with vehicles. Do you think they'd come help me with it? No!

Is it too much to ask to come home to at the least a meal of some sort? Apparently, because I am so exhausted by the time I do finally get home that this upsets my stepmother. She can not and will not come and talk to me to find out what's going on in my life. So what does she do, you might ask? She posts $hit on facebook. Yes, I said Facebook. Stuff like "she's missing in action again" when I leave the house without telling her where I'm going. {I am not a teenager.} "I dont do anything" *neither do you!* She sleeps all day and is up all night. "I'm gonna be leaving my husband after 25yrs" Give me a break! Where ya gonna go and what's gonna happen to dad? How do you expect to support 2 households on one retirement salary? Stop posting shit and talk to me!
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