Went to KidMetro's last night to pick up an extra bus pass he was giving me (I'm so well taken care of). Was the first time I'd seen his place since he moved his stuff in. It's gorgeous. Like
Apartment Therapy gorgeous. He out-metroes any guy I know in Seattle. I was pleased to see on display the terracotta colored tazzos I gave him for his birthday, they matched his place p e r f e c t l y (lucky guess on my part!).
Before I left we started yapping about the success of the outdoor film screening on Saturday and discussed which movie we'll show next. Coen Bros? Nah. Though we appreciate them, they're hardly crowd pleasers. We settled on the foreign comedy theme, to continue edumacating our blockbuster loving friends. KidM suggested "L'Auberge Espagnole". Brilliant. I've seen it 16 times and still laugh at the British dude doing his fly mating ritual, and I still get goose bumps when Xavier ditches the European Commision to attack his keyboard and pound out his Year-in-Barcelona story. Excellent summer feel-good flick. Very happy with our decision, I left KidMetro's mad pad to greet Melio after her weekend in the Bay Area. She was already settled in at my house and cozy on the couch eating noodles and watching a dvd (I love when guests feel comfy enough to truly make themselves at home). She paused the film to give me a big hug and to hear about my weekend.
"Oh, it was great, thanks! Say, what movie you watching?"
"L'Auberge Espagnole."
Way! Wow! Whoa! Talk about coincidence. All's I can say is this synchronicity better mean I get laid the night of our screening. :) And speaking of getting laid, I have a crush that is kind of scaring me. It has serious potential. More in the friends only entries...