Jul 23, 2011 09:53
So while the rest of the country broils in that lovely heat bubble, I'm in the Pacific Northwest, enjoying cooler than average temperatures.
It's delightful.
Today it's supposed to be in the high eighties to low nineties - perfect weather for a swim in the privacy of my parents's back yard. Also, their pool is warm while the one at my apartment complex is freezing. Which is great when it's 105 degrees out and no so great when you're only up to 85. I'm actually going to don a bikini and try and get some sun. I'm tired of being pasty pale and I certainly would like to get a natural tan rather than having to fake it.
I really should go shower now, seeing as I still need groceries. The fun part will be trying to figure out what I want to do for dinner on Monday and Tuesday as my husband has a business trip and I have the apartment to myself. Knowing me it'll probably be take out in between bouts of sewing.