Feb 05, 2010 20:20
What a month it's been. Hilights so far:
Started off two weeks ago being told that my position was being eliminated at work because had been bought as a franchise...
Began the process of freaking out, and looking for new jobs, on that Tuesday, with the Ballet Gala happening Saturday of that same week.
Yes I am a dumb ass and have no concept of what it means to be overextended until I am completely overwhelmed , out of control, and with no hope of being able to self-adjust to the situations that I have usually gotten myself into all at the same time.
The good news in all of this is that I have good people around me:
--My co chair saved my ass...AGAIN...
--My boyfriend kept me sane, well relatively speaking
--And in a happy turn of events, the week after the Gala yielded a very successful result (the Auction did $20,000 more than last year, and the Gala as a whole did something like $170,000 PROFIT), and a position opened up at my old job that I was offered. It's not the same job I had, but I have been promised that I will be given opportunities to cross-train my new role in the boutique with learning the side of the business that is now the owner of the boutique, as well as some other perks that I still don't quite understand...
Of course, the biggest problem with all of this is that everything was done verbally. I still have nothing in writing, other that the new owner's standards of procedure, many of which I was told would not apply to me because my work history with the Boutique would be grandfathered in as work history. My health insurance is going to be more that DOUBLE what I was paying before (does anyone know if I am still eligible for COBRA even if I have a new job? With the Federal subsidy Obama put in place, COBRA would be cheaper than what the new owners are offering), my commission has changed but I don't know how. My boss has decided to re-write all of the Policy and Procedure manuals for the new equipment and software we had installed over the weekend because nothing that has been given to us makes any sense or has any resemblance to organized thought, and I only have a verbal commitment that I will be getting the same wage as I was making before.
Needless to say, even though I stopped the process of looking for a new job when I was offered the opportunity to sort-of-stay put, I have started filling out application forms and updating my resume again. It is, I hope, more of a precautionary measure, but I need to know that I have something in place as a bargaining chip or that can pursue within a reasonable amount of time if push comes to shove and I need to walk, which seems to become more of a real scare with each passing day.
I know it's the first week and we are still trying to run a business despite having none o our infrastructure the same other than the marble floors. I am trying to stay positive, and I really do believe that this can all turn out to be a positive change once the dust settles. I'm just not so sure I se that happening any time soon, or that I see a positive outcome for me in the near future...