UH said the man to the lady

Mar 04, 2005 20:08

Abiding by my sporadic schedule for livejournal updates as usual, I was brought here once again by the allure of LogJam after installing and updating my now-working Fedora installation. It's brought quite a bit of my faith back into Redhat. I'm sure it will serve me well until my attention breaks towards another.

After an absence of at least three months from the beanery, I ended up back there earlier this week. I walked in anticipating to be greeted with the same response as before- the king gets very upset when he has to order his drink, after all. Unfortunately the king was forced to, else dehydrate into a small, leathery pile of flesh. The day was inevitably Tuesday, because well, Tuesday is the only hip day to go to. It's pointless to go any other day. I'm not sure why, but I imagine every other day they must undoubtedly serve poison or convert into a pet shop.

The most disturbing part of this experience was listening to someone play an acoustic guitar and sing with a sort of whiny articulation in their voice. Not too terrible of a thing really, but the same thing happened again. And again, and perhaps five or six times more, a additional person would rise, get on stage, and play an acoustic guitar with a tone so trebly it sounded like a hyena was holding a crying baby and banging a box of silverwear at the same time. It's odd how such a large coincidence could occur, for so many people to play the same instrument in the same manner, with the same voice- many of them even looked the same! I couldn't imagine that any certain sects of music could hold some sort of trendy status, so to speak, that would be crazy talk. Apparently today someone becomes an artist, or a musician, or an awesome dude, or whatever a person may call temselves if they have the dexterity to string three or four chords together on an acoustic guitar, strum them in a nice, stready rhythm and pretend to know how to sing.

BUT SUCH IS NOT THE SUBJECT AT HAND! There is a greater purpose at stake, one that will benefit those of you with library cards.

On March 18th, at crew's lake park in shady hills is the sdfljsdlfkjsdlf th annual battle of the bands! Its popularity has far exceeded lesser events such as christmas and any of your brithdays. For those of you that possess the rare commodity of a library card, your financial woes cease for an entire night of action super-fun EXTREME ENJOYMENT-TRON! GO! I will personally look at the first eight hundred people in attendace for a three-second duration, and shake the hand of the first grizzly bear that returns from hibernation for the event, as well as wrestle it, if weather permits. I'm pretty sure if you miss it you're going directly to hell as well.

(It is also advisable that you tote along a helmet just in case)

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