Finally… Some Project Life

Feb 19, 2012 22:23

Originally published at One Life Documented. You can comment here or there.

I’m a bit late posting these, and even later making them. Ok, week 7 couldn’t have been made any earlier - as we’re still in week 7, but I’ve been behind, and I’m not too happy with these weeks. There’s too many photos and too little journaling. So the lesson learned (perhaps?) is that I should make the layouts the same week, right?

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Week 6: We (yes, we) made a gift for my in-laws: A frame with photos from the birthday party. It had to be modified some as it had a really tacky title (don’t ask, I can remember). I also went to Stord for another pedagogy seminar, so there’s quite a few photos of that. Saturday and a theater visit with my mom and my sister. Sunday was mother’s day, so we visited T’s grandmother and had a free meal (and awesome company!)

Week 7: Valentine’s Day was this week, something we don’t really… celebrate anyway, but T did make an awesome start for our W game (spelling out “love/loving/lover”, I simply made it into “lovers”). We’ve been busy trying to pack and organize our/my stuff, so a trip to IKEA was in order. We also went to see “Lord of the Flies” with some of my students (had extra ticket and brought T with me).

Hope you’re all caught up with your week

project life 2012

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