Well, I finally got my yearbook! WHOO ME! I love the signs on the main doors at vic that say "if you hear a constant ringing alarm, the school is in lockdown procedure. Don't come in!" XD Gotta love ghetto arts high schools. (I pluralized that as if there are MORE of them, but I'm sceptical.)
Also I bought a book yesterday called "The Science of Harry Potter." WHOO SUBTLE WAYS TO INFLICT SCIENCE ON UNSUSPECTING NERD FRIENDS! I've also got "Elephants on Acid and Other Bizarre Experiments" which may just be another way of forcing science, albeit misguided science, on unsuspecting friends.
Also, they found a fossilized skull of a pre-historic fish-tetrapod. You know those jokey darwin fish with the feet? These are basically the real version, except that they're probably an uncle, not an ancestor, to modern tetrapods. This is exciting.