Drabble: Many Nights of Broken Glass

Jun 29, 2010 19:33

Title: Many Nights of Broken Glass
Author: mercury_pheonix 
Characters: Jack Harkness
Challenge: tw100  #158: Fancy Words. Chosen word: Kristallnacht
Rating/Warning: PG - references to the Holocaust.
Summary: Jack has lived long enough to know that history is littered with broken glass.

A/N: The Holocaust is a period of history which I have devoted much personal study to, and I have come to realise that humanity did not learn the lessons we should rightfully have learned from it. This drabble is based around that fact.

Many Nights of Broken Glass

Glass littered the ground like fallen snow.

Jack stepped forward, shards crunching beneath his feet. His boot brushed against a child’s toy, its stuffing spilt like blood on the concrete.

They had been peaceful, refugees from a dysfunctional planet. Now hounded from their homes.

Eighty years ago, glass had strewn the street: Kristallnacht - Night of Broken Glass.

Humanity thought it had changed. But history was littered with broken crystal; fear the axe that shattered a million lives.

Jack grasped the toy, its button eyes glinting sadly as he tucked it into his pocket.

He had a clean up to do.

torchwood, jack harkness, drabble

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