Some cool links:

Jun 16, 2008 23:52

City of Shadows - Long exposure photographs of St. Petersburg turn the crowds of people going about their daily lives into "demonic blurs". Beautiful and unsettling.

Via sister_coyote: Daily Coyote - Photos posted daily of a coyote named Charlie by the woman who has raised him from a puppy. I'm basically a cat person in every way, including being much more drawn to the feline aesthetic, but I nevertheless find myself taken aback by what a beautiful animal Charlie is. There are also some stunning photos of the vast Wyoming wilderness, which--as I told my dad in an e-mail--is the kind of thing I don't think I had the capacity to appreciate before I came here and found myself missing even parts of America I never had any particular fondness for before. Funny how my arrival in Taiwan coincided almost exactly with a strange urge to go on a Great American Road Trip, to relive the family vacations of my childhood (that I always complained about, naturally), to see deserts and wheatfields and roadside fruit stands and snowcapped mountains and pine trees and red-and-white checkered tablecloths.

And although I'm wary of my own psychology and the rosy tint that things seem to take when you're far away from them, I hope this is one of the feelings I get to keep. I feel like I've gained something by this longing, somehow.

(And Jesus, I think my ovaries just exploded.)

Speaking of road trips, Daily Coyote also links to her other blog: Vespa Vagabond, about her solo journey across the country with nothing but what she could carry on her Vespa. Some more breathtaking photography, and a story that makes my heart do funny things in my chest. I recommend it.

And, hell, I ought to be in bed already. I have to go to work at 9:00 tomorrow for a six-hour unpaid training (directly after which I get to go do my actual, you know, JOB for another four seven hours). You can guess how thrilled I am about that.


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