seven days of deadly: wrath

Mar 10, 2011 14:03

Guess how much thesis I've done today.

No, guess.


(I swear I swear after I post this, I will get back on ProQuest! Thesis baby I can change!)

Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off

This should be fun, because I know there are SO MANY THINGS that make me go dfjlkfjsljsgjkgraeg. I'm pretty sure I have picked the ones that are the most ridiculous and make the least sense. Let's go!

1. People who won't be emotionally honest. It frustrates me to no end. I am like I'M TRYING TO HAVE A CONVERSATION and they're like laaaaa laaaa what I'm so sorry I don't get it and I'm like YOU'RE A LIAR. This has hit home for me in many ways lately! But especially because I heard third- or fourth-hand that my ex's suitemates are very concerned about him because he's "a total wreck," though of course every time he sees me he's all I'm So Totally Laid-Back And Fine And Did I Mention Fine.

2. Academics who use anecdotes to prove that everyone is the same. THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. You can't use anecdotes to do that!!! Anecdotes prove exceptions! Now if you want to do a case study, that is fine, but it needs to be in-depth and preferably placed within a context of broader empirical findings. STEVEN FUCKING RHOADS, I'M LOOKING AT YOU.

3. The word "privilege." Okay. I admit it. I hate the word privilege. I don't actually disagree with the definition of privilege as something that is real and can be measured, but literally, every time someone uses the word, whether it's a stranger or someone on my flist or my favorite poli sci professor, I have to stop and go in my brain, "Okay. When this person said 'white privilege,' in this context they are referring to the legal and systemic advantages that have historically benefited whites, and continue to benefit them (usually) by helping them to accrue assets and other forms of wealth, thereby helping them to become disproportionately propertied, educated and financially successful relative to other demographics. I BELIEVE THAT ALL OF THAT IS TRUE. I AGREE WITH IT. Simmer down."

I tried one time to tell nextian why I hated the word privilege? But ... I forget what I said. And I bet it wasn't a real explanation that made sense. I don't think I have an explanation that makes sense. It's just a bizarre irrational thing.

4. Guys who feel entitled to anything from women. Anything. At all. Feelings of entitlement are douchey and stupid and icky, and it doesn't matter how slight the entitlement is or how harmless it might look, it makes me mad. I do connect this entitlement to issues of sexual assault, which makes me extra extra mad.

5. Likewise, people who feel entitled to lower taxes because "they work hard." You need the infrastructures provided and maintained by the state to make money. Yes, capitalism and the market are infrastructures, and yes they need to be supported by the state to be successful. (People needed to be trained to transition from living off their own land and labor to living as workers and consumers. It was a big deal. The case study of England is one illuminating example.) Therefore, you owe the state your money. Period. Perhaps you would like to live in a Nozickian "night watchman" state where all your assets remain your own and public education doesn't exist; why don't you try that out and tell me how it goes for you.

6. Maybe entitlement period? Yyyyyyyeah.

7. Fail on TV shows. Of all the things in the world to be wrathful about, this one gets me hard. Glee and Supernatural, whyyyyy do you hurt me and want me to be unhappy? Glee, why can't you EVER HAVE CONSISTENT CHARACTERIZATION? WHY IS IT ANATHEMA TO YOU??? WHYYYYY.

... I just have a lot of feelings.

Day One: Pride - Seven great things about yourself
Day Two: Envy - Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets

urge to kill rising, meme

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