Jul 17, 2004 06:53
I've been awake 24 hours and 13 minutes.
Forgive the none-make-sense-y livedate.
Roomate had a yelling competition with her boyfriend (well now...her Ex) around 4am. Not like I was sleeping anyway. They had such colorful language.
Insomnia movie marathon included: Pirates of the Carribean, The Patriot, selected scenes from The Sound of Music, Kill Bill, and now playing is Groundhog Day.
day of 6's
6 - questions I knew for sure on the bio exam (35 total)
60 - total points I estimate I earned on the chemistry test (out of 125)
6 - times my mother asked me if I was sure I wasn't going home this weekend
6 - how wet I got in the storm after the chem test on a drenched scale of 1-5, 5 being the most wet (I forgot my umbrella)
6 - is the oxidation number of oxygen...why did I keep putting 8?
6 - hours of Priston tale today
~66% - how much exp I got today
6 - hours I've been trying to sleep
6x - my new lvl
Royal Robe isn't as purty as I'd hoped...thank God not as ugly as the saint. So far, Arch is still my favorite.
I do like my pink bootsies though.
You know...how when you're trying to fall asleep, you remember things, or keep thinking of random things? I know it isn't just me. But that's what's going on right now. So I thought I'd leave reminders for myself here:
~bike is still at the Reitz
~get Chamber of Secrets from Zack tomorrow
~get money from Publix tomorrow
I think I'll go bowling tomorrow. While I bittorrent PGSM episode 40...on wireless ^_^
Oh why good morning, Mr. Sun.
WHY CAN'T I SLEEP!!!!!????
priston tale