Taking a moment to post amidst the holiday madness...
Moved most of the big stuff to the new place yesterday thanks to
jesnie, and procrastin8r. I fell down on the stairs and onto my right hip while carrying a tabletop up the stairs. It hurt. There's a light bruise i think, but not too much coz I don't bruise too easily. But.
That's what the last month has been for me, I think. I'm not one for new years resolutions but I have a few resolutions i'd like to make that are gelling in nice accordance with all the goings on in my life. And here are a few:
- No more sport fucking. It can be fun but I have better things to do with my time.
- No more extending myself to make up for other people's slack. Whether this be regarding band duties, roomies and bills, or just maintaining contact with people who either don't make the effort or are not entirely healthy to be around or I'm only keeping in touch with to be polite and I don't really like them that much anyway, or whatever other combination of consistently not getting out of it anything remotely comparable to what I'm putting into it, it stops right now. Again, I have better things to do with my time, such as spend it with the people who actually matter.
- Make a budget and stick to it for christs' sake.
- Keep your damn room vaguely clean.
I suppose one could say that this is my christmas gift to me.