Sep 28, 2004 13:22
Let me tell you something about the last few weeks. A couple weeks ago I ended a four-year-long relationship with the person who is quite likely the love of my life, because ultimately, love is rarely ever enough, and more often than not it gets twisted and marred in codependency and resentment. So rather than watch it slowly die and turn into hate, I chose to end it; Yes it was rather abrupt, and at quite the inopportune date, and for that I apologize.
And I know that there are sides being taken; that there are harsh, hurtful words being tossed around. And I know that some of you reading this wouldn't exactly call me a friend at the moment, not because of anything that has transpired between us or any ill-will you harbor towards me, but because, ultimately, loyalty is not neutral. I understand that completely; my only hope is that should we run into each other randomly that we can leave loyalties behind, if only temporarily, and be friends towards one another.
And as if all of this weren't enough to deal with, I now have to deal with a tantrum being thrown by someone who fails to understand that spending the night at my ex's house, cuddling with him, and telling him that she finds him attractive a week after our breakup pretty much negates our friendship. Now she cries victim indignant, saying her intentions were pure, that she doesn't... understand... "why??? Why??? WHY?" she asks. "How could you do this to the best, kindest, least self-centered friend you have?" and then with a new paragraph threatens to blackmail my ex's confidences to her by burning all their IM conversations to a CD and sending it to me, as though proof of the hurtful words he's undoubtedly told her in lieu of our breakup will provide me with any sort of revalation.
And I say, I don't give a shit what your intentions were or how much socialization you missed out on, there are certain lines you know better than to cross. So take your little martyr game and bark it up some other tree you dumb bitch. Your antics are tiresome and ultimately do little more than distract me from the wounds I should be focused on healing.
And for the record, this post was brought to you with my ex's blessing.