Aug 17, 2007 09:21
Ok, I'm not going to pretend I understand this thing inside out and backwards, but I've read the flyers handed to me by ppl on the street and even my colleagues. I've checked out the website and read the info and I gotta tell ya...this SPP thing is freaking me out. I'm thoroughly unimpressed. The concept of it is something I think Canada should NOT take part in (of course, Harper is a weiner so I'm sure he'll jump at the opportunity to be Bush's lapdog, from the sounds of it I think he's already on all fours with his tongue hanging this summit in our effing country). But whats just as terrible is that as Canadian citizens (you know, the people who pay taxes and vote in what is supposed to be a DEMOCRACY) we were not consulted! what the fuck is that?!?!?! I'm sooooooooooo unimpressed.
Unfortunately, I'm too much of a wuss to take part in the protests (I'll admit, it keeps coming to mind as an option though). I know the demonstrations are supposed to be peaceful but you never know what can happen and I wouldn't put it past our "fearless leader" to authorize some kind of terrible attack on the protesters as (unfortunately) some PM's (or was it just one? I don't remember and that's terrible I know) have done before him. I am thinking I'll go to one of the public forums though, I'm hoping I can get my mom to come with me even.
Man this blows.