MMVII (Is not as cool as MCMXCVII*)

Jan 01, 2007 13:46

*Nor is it as cool as 11111010111

Happy 2007 to everyone.

Last night I worked until 9pm then went to a very dark picnic in Queen's Park. There were some people there who I don't see very often, and people I didn't know. I lugged around infi drinks which I was going to bring, but they already had infi drinks when I got there, so I lugged the infi drinks home after. I'm drinking the iced tea now.

I don't really have any new year's resolutions worth speaking about. Or any new year's resolutions at all. Yet. Maybe I should have one to post more. Or less.

The lack a computer downstairs is mildly annoying. Except for my1 Wii, there's nothing internet capable. My DS can't connect to the wireless at home because of the encryption. I'm thinking it's time to buy a screen and put my CRT downstairs with the old PIII (scotty). Trouble is, I know crap all about LCDs and I don't know which one to buy.

When harkon reappears, it might be time for another games day at my place. I am stupidbusy this week with work so next week I guess. Hopefully there will be less pikers this time. Failing that, I will just set up one of the crazy games I bought for myself and play by myself. (Silent War is solitaire. SITS, well, is SITS.)

Thought for the day:
When in doubt, sugar.

1. Yes, it is still all mine.

wii, games

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