Nov 29, 2007 12:51
I saw one at the National Zoo when Pua and I visited. Granted the name might be wrong but it is his mode of defense I want to emmulate. When sensing danger he finds a convient hole and sticks his head into it followed by as much of his body as he can.
I went to bed last night frustrated, slightly angry, and with a headache. I woke up this morning in much the same fashion much earlier than I wished. My computer died last night and I haven't been able to revive it. I am in mourning and wallowing self pity and false hope. For those of you not familiar with my situaiton, my computer and I have been having a disagreement for the last couple of months about whether or not it will accept power. The battery lasts less than thirty minutes and the power cord has to be in the socket in just the right way in order for the computer to accept any charge. Last night it died on me, again. This time it would accept a charge. I have been fiddling with it ever since then and it still won't respond. Mostly I have been trying not to deal with it. I had wanted to wait until after Christmas to buy a new computer but my hand has been forced; I don't think I can. My life (yes, I know, how sad and pathetic this is) is very much intertwined with my computer. It is how I pay most of my bills, manage my finances, watch movies, listen to music, store and view my pictures, deal with work issues, communicate, keep in touch with friends and so many other things. I'm feeling overwhelmed.
I don't have the money for a computer but I am resigning myself to the fact that I need one. It must be a laptop considering my position and a vvery easily portable and durable one at that. Now what to buy? Expense is an issue but I am starting to feel like in for the penny in for the pound. I want to invest in a good one that will last me several yeyears. Including going back to school. Leaning towards a Macbook but also a little wary. Grrrr. I hate having my hand forced. Any advice? I desperately need it.
I don't even want to think about how I am going to retrieve all the information on my old computer and transfer it to a new computer. Or the despair I will feel if I can't. That just makes me ohysically sick and want to cry.
I think I need to go escape back into my book. Which is how I have spent most of the morning. Thank goodness for Mercedes Lackey and fairy tales.