"And loving it!"

Jan 14, 2007 20:40

How lovely it is to simply make one's day as one goes along. To let one's whims guide one's time. The fact that I have had the last several days off and have actually managed not to over plan them, a first I believe, reiterates to me that I need to do this more often. It is also probably the reason that I have spent a lot of tie in the library or in a coffee shop reading. This is not a bad thing.

I am over half way through the Narnia series. They are fun stories but I have to admit I am not overly impressed by them. Then again that is how I feel about the Harry Potter series as well. I did discover that there is a third in the Cecelia and Kate series. The Mislaid Magician or Ten Years After is good but it isn't quite catching my attention like the others. Though Thomas is still wonderfully uncontrollable and James is as good as ever. I think Sorcery and Cecelia will still remain my favorite.

Today I sort of day dreamed at church but did manage to catch the majority of the sermon. It was good, but I have to admit there are some days when nothing will keep my attention. We also sang two of my favorite songs, that always makes me happy. Anneli shared some of her paintings which were amazing. We also had a final update on the Advent offering that was taken on the last two Sundays of Advent. As a church we raised $106,000.00! I was impressed and thrilled. The money was split three ways: Portland ministries, global ministries, and shared giving. I think my favorite item bought was 24 Alpacas to give to families to provide long term income. And it is anticipated that once the other churches we are working with have finished counting their offerings there will be $150K for wells (the shared giving). Very cool.

After church Amy and I went on an impromptu visit to The Grand Bakery on Hawthorne and Suavie Island. I have finally found a place that makes soda bread like I remember in Galway. The kind where there you could walk into any bakery and ask for it and some butter and a little tea and it would be breakfast or a mid-day snack. Delightful. Sauvie Island was beautiful. We are experiencing extra crisp clear days right now so it was cold but you could see three or four different different mountains. I have to say Hood is very impressive when he wants to be. We wandered around the Bybee house and imagined what it would be like to have a wedding there. Perfect spot for it, all we need are grooms. The best part was simply taking a moment to watch a couple of birds watch the river. I was sorry I didn't have my camera with me, but when I left for church in the morning I wasn't expecting to need it.

After splitting ways I spent a lovely hour in Movie Madness discovering that they have about a gagillion movies I love to rent and watch. I finally settled on "Get Smart" Season Two. Actually it didn't take long to decide on that once I found it. I was a little wary because it has probably been ten years since I have seen "Get Smart" and I wasn't sure if I would still like it. Considering I just watched eight episodes without a break and had to make myself stop before moving on to the other discs, I think I still like it. I was laughing hysterically at points. There is just something about Maxwell Smart and his shoe phone. "And loving it!" "Would you believe...?" Agent 99. The Chief. Agent 13. Sigfried. What a treat! I can't wait to watch the rest of the series. I can still remember playing "Get Smart" as a kid and talking into my shoe. I believe we have pictures somewhere...

Oy! This was supposed to be a quick update but it is turning into yet another novella. I need to learn to be brief and it is getting late. Tomorrow - the coast! Or whatever Amy and I decide to do. But I crave the water so I have a feeling we will end up there. Guete nacht!

the good life, dreaming, escapism, id

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