ta daa! ipperwash beach, in ontario canada.
these are the cottages. many years ago, when my grandfather (my moms dad) was a little kid, his dad purchased some land up on lake huron, where cottages were just beginning to be built. my grandfather, bob, had two siblings, a brother craig, and a sister helen. some time later, howard and helen purchased the plot of land next to their cottage and built the cottage on the right. grandpa added to the one on the left, putting on a porch and eating area and a whole upstairs. and the result is what you see here. at least, thats how i think the story went. i could very well be wrong. my grandpa is dead, and grandma doesn't come up here anymore without him. uncle howard is dead, and aunt helen made her last trip up here last year. now she's in jail. not really, but she thinks she is. it's a nice jail, though, she says. and uncle craig is dead, but his wife, aunt eleanor, still comes every year. she's a pretty cool old lady.
it was really good sailing weather sunday through wednesday. new boat, too! for me anyway, it's been up there for two years or so but this is the first time we've been up there with it! thats me and dad.
yay kayaks.
the beach cafe makes a mean peach drink. no really, it's good. reeeeal good.
stony point is probably the most famous part of ipperwash beach. it used to be a park, until i was in fourth grade, i think. one day in fourth grade we were reading our weekly reader, basically a newspaper for fourth graders. anyway, i picked it up, and there on the front was a picture of stony point! kinda blew my fourth grade mind that other people knew about that place. anyways, the story was that first nation, the natives in canada, were fighting to get that land back. it was the center of a whole huge battle about rights and stuff, which is kinda cool if you think about it. so we arent allowed there anymore.now there are big no trespassing signs, but we clearly saw some trespassers the other day, which was a bit sketchy.
yay rowallan. and greg looking like a demon, and stuff.
these are cinnamon frys. they are deeeeeeliiiiiiiciiiooouuusss. yes, that good. they come from forest home bakery, in forest. go buy some. now.
thought that was mildly humourous
tune in later for pictures of griffin and i snooping.