Often times those words they get tangled up in lies and the bring light turns to night

Apr 19, 2005 18:35

Its been awhile.....
Today was a good day, school was good except weightlifting because we had a bad sub report which means lots of running in a billion degree gym no fun, but its over with. Work was easy and after work i went to the tanner,shopping with my mom. I got my nails filled, a purse for prom, a shirt from target for $3 which made me extremely excited and finally got to put my dresser on hold at target so ill get it on Thursday! soo exciting
Nothing is new at all, a lot of prom stuff i get my dress back tomorrow and i have everything else ready im so pumped and ready for it, it seems like we've been planning and making decorations so long and it so close!
But im gonna go do some English Homework
<3 <3 <3
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