im your girl, your my girl, were all girls, dont you know that we love ya!

Apr 09, 2005 19:43

well this weekend has been so/so... Friday i worked then babysat after that,it was fun and i got paid for both today, so that was exciting. Last night i didnt do anything cuz i had to get up early for ACT's so i went to bed at like 9:30 (im a loser i know)
But today i got up at like freakin 6:00 i dont even get up that early for school,met erin,went to alma, took the act's which freakin suck sooooo bad,i think i could of cried throughout the whole test i felt like such a failure.But thankfully its over now.
So, my parents are gone for the weekend which sounds like a good thing but... not so much, im on like operation lock down.So i came home from testing and slept from 1-6:30, and i got to go get ice cream with lacey and amber g so i got to interact with the outside world :) So all im doing now is cleaning and gonna watch Spanglish,
Hope everyone has a good weekend
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