Dec 03, 2002 10:28
Get a phone call from the Helpdesk.
"There's an irate user asking for Internet Registration."
"That's not me. That's Pete."
"Pete's not in yet."
"...okay, this is true. What's he irate about?"
"He won't say, he wants to talk to someone up there now."
"...okay, put him through."
Guy comes in, flaming and ranting and yelling. Finally, I get from him that he's manually requesting that his IP address be authorized for Internet access, and that he can't fax it in. The fax machine, I can see, is operational, as there's a fax coming out of it, and I tell him this.
"No, dammit! The problem is that I can't find the number to fax it to!"
I pause.
"Sir, Step 5 says, "Fax this form to 201-xxx-xxxx." It's right there in black and white.
"Why does it have to be so hard to find? Why can't you make it easier?"
I pause again.
"Sir, I'm ending this discussion before I say something completely out of line." >click<
I weep for humanity sometimes