Please tell me you know what Russian Roulette is. If so, then I would have stayed away from that like a plague of plague rats, even if I had my +1 Magic B33r, and an Epic lvl Rat Flail. I feel your pain though. Once, someone gave me a concentrated habanero ball and it felt like my mouth was gonna melt. Bread and milk are your friends in those situations. Things like water only spread the oils more and make the burning worse. And to think, you can actually buy wasabi balls in the candy aisle of Target. O_O
Ahh. Lesson well learned then. ~_^ That one could go straight to the US Department of Lessons Learned, which, sadly, it's a real department in the White House. Source.
"Baker, Stuart, Director for Lessons Learned, $106,641"
I only found out the name while my tongue was being @$$fucked by satan himself (covered in wasabi sauce). I had no idea before because I didn't have the ONE and ONLY menu at our table. Baansabaay had it and my eers don't work good so I missed the name the first time it was said.
I have since learned that it was not just "Wasabi" but some other things as well. Apparently, according to some site not worth reviewing my internet cache to look up, wasabi leaves no lasting burning sensation. This... THING, whatever it was, hurt like heck for a long time afterwards. It must have been something like habeñero or some such.
Comments 12
Yuki's face is so very flat!
"Baker, Stuart, Director for Lessons Learned, $106,641"
So very unfortunate.
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