Originally taken from:
http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/whatisdnd and modified by yours truly ;)
This is the Bowels & Butts Roleplaying Game, the game that defines the genre and has set the standard for fantasy rolepooping for more than 30 years.
B&B is an imaginative, social experience that engages players in a rich fantasy world filled with larger-than-life constipation, deadly flatulence, and diverse smells. As a hobby game, B&B is an ongoing activity to which players might devote hours of their time-much like a weekly poker game-getting together with friends on a regular basis for weeks, months, or even years.
Players create heroic fantasy characters -- mighty plumbers, silent-but-deadly gassters, or powerful cabbage-burrito lords -- which they guide through an ongoing series of toilet adventures, working together to defeat indigestion and other challenges and growing in power, glory, and bathroom achievement. The game offers endless possibilities and a multitude of choices . . . more choices than even the most sophisticated computer plumbing simulation, because you can do whatever you can imagine!