May 14, 2007 19:30
I really need to update this thing
its been a really really long time but I just don't have the energy to do it
Between the stress that I already had in my life(which was more then most could probobly handle) and the fact that it was my own decision(and probobly a necessity) to add even more stress on me by taking complete and total control over my family to make sure the family doesn't go in debt again. I'm finally starting to break! I haven't broken down yet, but I find myself drinking more(and you guys know that I almost NEVER drink alcohol) and just secluding myself away from people and trying to stay away from home. And when I said that I have total control...I mean it. All money is deposited into my account and then from there I issue out checks for the bills, lend out my credit card to pay for groceries after approving the shopping list, and even making a chores list for everyone to do yea...lots of added work(and stress) for kyle...YAY
So thats just a little snippit of the things going on now...I'm going to go get something to eat(probobly cereal), then going to go see spiderman 3 with danny :D