Oct 05, 2005 22:20
So this was a day like any other day. I woke up, went to work, checked email, talked to Production Coordinators and discussed the death of Nipsy Russell as I tried to use it to get out early (Whenever a D-List celebrity dies I'm deeply saddened). But around 1:30 pm I checked my daily websites and all was the same except there was a listing on slickdeals.net for a 17 inch Samsung CRT Monitor for $11. Well I saw this and the gears started turning. I've always wanted to try a dual monitor set-up. Well I got my work wrapped up and told the Boss I was heading to Best Buy. I got there and was looking to see if anyone else in the area had seen the same listing and was also running to the store to get a cheap monitor. But after talking to Carlos in the Computer section who was more than helpful (which if you've ever been to that department during the weekend is an anomaly). But my paranoia was for naught as I was the first to show up and coincidently inform the employees that there was a sweet deal. But I bought my monitor for a great price of $11.66 with tax and quickly ran to the car and high tailed it out of there before the management caught on and jumped me, or at least I felt that way.
So I came home after for some strange reason it was the day of my ex-girlfriends. Around Noon I got an email from my Ex in North Carolina with a picture of her and her fiancé’s engagement picture. Now I am happy that she has found someone to make her happy, but I certainly don't need to see a picture of them in soon to me married bliss. Why is it old girlfriends need to have your approval for the new significant others they are with? You know the older I get I think its just me. I was what they needed but not what they wanted. I was that person they could talk to and open up to, so now that they are out there in a place with someone not as easy to open up to they constantly come back to me. So after this email I get a call from Ex-Ex girlfriend at 5:00 pm a whole half hour before I get out of work. So she wants to catch up and talk about what is going on in her life. I never really feel like these calls are for our benefit, seeing how life has placed us and the such. But I talk to her because it reminds me of a part of myself that I like and that is caring for someone beyond myself. Although she inadvertently helped me understand my fear of feeling, I always feel talking to her is the least I can do as a sort of gratitude.
So After I got in the door and hooked up the new monitor, Melissa (my wife by the way) came in with a bag of Taco Bell. Well I wasn't done with the monitor so she ate without me, then I came in and ate about 10 minutes later. We talked as she made brownies. After dinner I tooled around on my computer and Melissa promptly began playing Final Fantasy 11, as she always does. But at least this time it's on two screens!
Take care all!