This has been a wonderful week. I am extremely happy. This is why:
1. Yesterday I had a second interview for the hospital job and they called me back within a few hours to offer me the position. I'm not sure what my actual title is, but basically I sit in the lab and enter the requisition paperwork into the computer and occasionally label blood. But it's wonderful though, because they offered me $4 more an hour than I was making at the daycare. This is the most money I've ever made and it's just really exciting. I'm going to be working 24-30 hours a week but I still qualify for all of the amazing hospital employee benefits. Our family insurance plan is only $180/month and they do full tuition reimbursement. I also get to wear scrubs and crocs everyday, which would have been the exact opposite of exciting news a year ago, but it's hard to wear real clothes when you're pregnant, and I'm not even that far along yet. I know I get like this about every job I have but I feel like I can stay with the hospital, you know, forever. After the baby is 2 or 3 I can go to nursing school, you know- for free, and just advance as far as I'd like to. And frankly, it's not really about me anymore. Though it is hard to get out of bed everyday and make myself go to work-- I don't really have a choice now because the baby NEEDS good insurance, and this is just the best. But I'm done now. Kimberly, please get over your fear of blood and come work with me ASAP.
2. We had a little scare last week with my hormones not doubling every other day as they should but I had more blood work done and everything is progressing normally now. We have our second ultrasound on the 17th and it's going to be in 3D which is so amazing. I just realized I hadn't posted pictures of our first ultrasound.
3. I also switched my OBGYN this week. I was seeing Dr. Pitts who I love,love,love as a person-- but I really felt uncomfortable in his office, and I just truly felt like a lot of his methods were just outdated. Now I see Dr. Rachel Petersen who made me cry on our first visit because she's so sweet and seemed to truly care about us as individuals. Plus, her office is huge and clean and I like the artwork hanging much better. It's just what's best for me and the baby right now.
4. I either got the best or worst eyebrow wax of my entire life. It's completely different than what I usually go for, (so much so that my husband noticed) but they look amazing. It's really unusual for me to switch things up but my stylist gave me a Christmas present! So it's not like I could say anything, this woman spent money on me! I really like them for now, but I think it's going to require more upkeep and if they were any further apart it would definitely be the end of my world.
5. My family once owned over 20 acres out in New Market. Now, my cousin was deeded one acre when she was married, and she sold it about three years later because she had twin boys and the house they built just wasn't big enough (or so they thought). A few months later, my uncle died and one of my Aunts practically deceived my grandfather into giving her 2 acres, which was pretty much in his front yard... but she swore she wouldn't sell until after he passed away. 6 months later it was on the market, and she made $50,000 on land that was given to her. So the people who bought this sizable chunk of our property have decided to sell, and for cheap. SOOOO, my family is doing everything we can to buy our land back (which is absolutely ridiculous that we even have to go through this.) So even though it's a headache,and going to cost 90,000- We're slowly but surely reclaiming Ward Dr.
6. I know this is disgusting, but I really have the greatest husband. I'm so thankful for Chris and how he puts up with me. He's been so wonderful since I've been pregnant and he cooks me dinner every night and helps me clean whenever he feels like it and he takes off of work for every little doctors appointment, which speaks volumes because I think if we were under nuclear attack, Chris would still be at that store fixing other people's computers. It's kind of embarrassing sometimes because he thinks I'm the only pregnant person in the entire world. He gets really angry when someone bumps into me or cuts in front of me in line, and you should have seen the fit he threw when they accidentally gave me regular dr. pepper instead of decaffeinated. Basically he's just adorable and I can't imagine doing this without him. Also, he just fixed my keyboard and I can update all I want now.