PotC Fanfic: Shards of Crusty Glass Part 3/4

Sep 03, 2011 17:16

Title: Shards of Crusty Glass
Rating: PG
Words: 2993 and counting
Genre: Humor/General
Characters: The Jar of Dirt, The Compass,Jack, Tia Dalma
Disclaimer:Ah, no I don't own PotC.
Summary:This is an idea that I've had since DMC. It's the story of the Jar of Dirt with all it's hopes and fears...You didn't think jars of dirt had emotions, did you? It is a magical jar of dirt...
Part One http://meowbooks.livejournal.com/23376.html
Part Two http://meowbooks.livejournal.com/25046.html
Part Three http://meowbooks.livejournal.com/87565.html

shards of crusty glass, fanfiction, overlooked series, pirates of caribbean, pirates of the caribbean

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